Craigslist enters the 20th century, launches a blog
Online classifieds site Craigslist has always thrived on its simplicity. While other web services have added bells and whistles, AJAX, and Flash, Craigslist has a look and feel reminiscent of the dawn of the internet age. Of course, the site has ben thriving, so there hasn't been much need to change.
But Craigslist has been in the news a bit over the last few weeks for some less than pleasant reasons, so it's kind of nice that Craigslist now has an official blog where CEO Jim Buckmaster can post his thoughts. Up until now, the closest thing there was to a Craigslist blog was the personal blog of founder Craig Newmark.
Now, here's the interesting thing. Buckmaster is discussing the big issues of the day on the blog, and engaging with his audience directly. Users can even leave comments on blog posts (although you're redirected to the user forums when you click a comments link). But the blog still feels very 1999. It has a stark layout, and there's not an RSS feed in sight. So no, our headline isn't a typo. We'd love to say we're welcoming Craigslist to the 21st century, but even the Craigslist blog feels like it was designed over a decade ago.
But Craigslist has been in the news a bit over the last few weeks for some less than pleasant reasons, so it's kind of nice that Craigslist now has an official blog where CEO Jim Buckmaster can post his thoughts. Up until now, the closest thing there was to a Craigslist blog was the personal blog of founder Craig Newmark.
Now, here's the interesting thing. Buckmaster is discussing the big issues of the day on the blog, and engaging with his audience directly. Users can even leave comments on blog posts (although you're redirected to the user forums when you click a comments link). But the blog still feels very 1999. It has a stark layout, and there's not an RSS feed in sight. So no, our headline isn't a typo. We'd love to say we're welcoming Craigslist to the 21st century, but even the Craigslist blog feels like it was designed over a decade ago.