Serious About Your Online Presence? Know the Best and the Worst Web Hosts

Taking your online presence seriously means having the best professional web hosting service that your pocket can afford. Those who are new to having a website or blog are often clueless about basic things like where to get affordable web hosting services and how to set things up. Doing the trial and error method in finding the best professional web hosting service is hazardous to your your online presence. Things like finding the best web host and domain name registrar for you should be right the first time you do it. But how would a newbie know which is the best and which is the worst? You need to know what other more experienced webmasters and site owners have to say. is the place to go because they provide independent reviews of the best web hosting providers. This site has been doing this for years. At WebHostingGeeks web host providers are ranked according to best price-value ratio. Host reliability, uptime, key features, bonus features, customer support, past and current user feedbacks, user-friendliness and hosting awards also come into the equation. With the the above mentioned factors as bases for the ranking, you would surely find the best professional web hosting provider for your website or blog. If you are maintaining a blog, it would be good to check out WebHostingGeeks' page for Best Blog Hosting Award of the year, you will be guided by this page in deciding which service to choose.

If you are on the process of taking your online presence seriously, it is time to get yourself a web hosting but before you do it, drop by at and be guided by their independent reviews of web hosting providers.


Anonymous said…
hayyy. i realized i need to upgrade my plan. ikaw ba nacoconsume mo ba monthly bandwidth mo?
Kigwa said…
Blogger hosts this blog for free so i do not really look into how much bandwidth I am using. So far I am very much satisfied with Blogger.

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