Clean Up Your Line

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Champion flirts know their pick-up lines. They know just what particular lines to use on a particular situation. The art of flirting is something that one can learn through experience. The more one flirts, the better one becomes at it. One's pick-up lines are as important as one's look in the field flirting. One need to have Victory Hair and the best arsenal of pick-up lines to succeed. Pick up lines are used to initiate a conversation with the person one wants to connect with. A bad pick up line will immediately destroy the chance of a successful connection and prevent you from enjoying Victory Hair. I've heard my share of bad pick-up lines, here are some examples :

“Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk past again?” Yay! this line fails in every aspect. Guys who use bad pickup lines like this think they’re being cute, but really they’re just showing how pathetic they are.

"Hi, my name is..., how do you like me so far?" This one is a loser, no need to explain.

How about you? Do you know your pick-up lines? Are you confident that you have what it take s to be a champion flirt? Know about how you fare in flirting, play the Ultimate Flirting Championship sponsored by Extreme Style by VO5. You can start by grabbing the widget below.

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