Get Affordable, Easy-to-Use Network Monitoring Software from SolarWinds
Orion NPM provides real-time visibility into the health of network devices, servers, and applications for large companies and businesses, and ensures you have the information needed to keep your systems running at peak performance.
Orion NPM capabilities include:
Orion NPM capabilities include:
- Monitoring and analyzing real-time, in-depth network performance metrics for routers, switches, servers, and any other SNMP-enabled devices
- Providing a highly intuitive, customizable web interface that supports multiple views by user and department, as well as map views of your global network
- Enabling advanced alerting for correlated events, sustained conditions, and complex combinations of device states
- Scaling to accommodate growth and management needs with a hot standby engine, multiple polling engines, and additional web servers
- Quick installation (less than an hour) and immediate data collection to increase network productivity!
In addition, Orion NPM modules can easily extend monitoring capabilities to NetFlow traffic analysis and monitoring of VoIP performance, wireless devices, applications and servers.
Download a FREE, 30-Day Trial of SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor!
Download a FREE, 30-Day Trial of SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor!