How to Capture Color Codes the Easy Way
Okay I'll tell you a little secret : I do not memorize the color codes. Yes, I only know the code for black and white; with other colors, I leave it to Photoshop. I know that some bloggers find it difficult to match the color scheme of their ads with the color scheme of their theme just because they do not know how to capture color codes on screen. If you will look at my many blogs, you'll notice that the color scheme of my ads matches that of the color scheme of my theme. How do I do it? In the past, I used good olp Photoshop to capture color code. But of course relying on Photoshop is not always advisable for people who use slow machines; waiting for Photoshop to load every time you want to capture a color code is too time-consuming.
I discovered a very good substitute for Photoshop in capturing color codes from your screen, it is a little color picker that does the job of capturing color codes many times faster than when you do it with Photoshop. It is very easy to use and very powerful. You'll be able to get the code of any color on your screen very quickly. This color picker can be found at It is called AdesClrPicker.