Sending a Song to a friend? SoundCloud it!

I know that sending music to someone over the net is quiet troublesome for some users. The most common method of sending a song is by e-mail. But this is not always reliable for many of us especially if you would like to send many songs. Have you heard about SoundCloud? Well, this thingy allows you to send and recieve music without much fuzz. You may send tracks to one or 1000 people; any size, any format, super fast and flexible. SoundCloud claims to be "made for the music professionals". Sounds great huh? But there is one sour note here: if you want to sign up you need to have an invitation because SoundCloud wants to "make sure the pro’s have enough time and comfort to try out SoundCloud" they’ve decided to keep the sign-ups closed for the public. Any new users will need get an invite to before joining.


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