Flash is Now Searchable

Yes, Flash is cool because it offers designers limitless possibilities for creating rich-media apps, games and video. But Flash has lost its shine in the battlefield where the name of the game is SEO. Flash content is not searchable, search engines are blind to it. So what good would it bring to a website that needs to be seen by search engines? This is the reason why many designers have learned to avoid the beauty that Flash brings on the design. But yesterday Adode has announced that "the company is teaming up with search industry leaders to dramatically improve search results of dynamic Web content and rich Internet applications (RIAs). Adobe is providing optimized Adobe® Flash® Player technology to Google and Yahoo! to enhance search engine indexing of the Flash file format (SWF) and uncover information that is currently undiscoverable by search engines."

This means that millions of RIA's and other dynamic content that run in Adobe Flash Player will now have relevant automatic search engine rankings. This is good news to designers.


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