Monetize Your Blog with ScribeFire QuickAds

Bloggers, have you heard about ScribeFire? Well, it is one of those little big things that are there for free to make the life of bloggers easier. ScribeFire is a Firefox add-on that lets you easily post to your blog by allowing you to drag and drop formatted text from pages you are browsing, take notes, and post to your blog. Its intuitive WYSIWYG editor makes it very easy to use. Recently, the team that created ScribeFire launched ScribeFire QuickAds, a service that makes it possible for bloggers to add a fully optimized banner ad to their blogs without adding a single line of code. By just clicking an ad size and choosing a location on the blog, a blogger can place ads in his blog. This service is currently in limited beta. When you register a blog with QuickAds, a little code is automatically added to your blog template through ScribeFire. This little code will allow ads to be added to your pages via ScribeFire. All the earnings from the ads will go to you. The ads will come from different networks and ScribeFire will determine which ads would generate the highest income for your blog. Regestered members will have a dashboard where ad impressions, earnings, and other statistics could be viewed.
