Trying Out Apple's Safari Browser

I have heard about Safari for Windows but I did not really care to try it because I felt that Firefox was good enough for me. But a while ago, while blog hopping, I was prompted by a dialog box that suddenly popped up to allow Apple updates to be downloaded and installed in my PC. I saw that among the software to be downloaded was Safari. I cancelled the Safari download but downloaded the important Apple update. While downloading the update I suddenly got curious about Safari so I took a quick visit to the Apple website. The power of the words written on the Apple webpage promoting the power of Safari got into me so I decided to download the software and try it to see if it is really "the fastest browser on any platform".
After downloading I immediately installed it. It took longer than I expected to finish the installation process. After installation was completed, I was informed by a message box that a reboot was needed. After restarting my machine I immediately launched Safari. The look and feel of it is like a cross between Firefox 3 and IE7. If you are used to Firefox you will not get lost in Safari. If you love IE you will also feel comfortable with the look and feel of Safari. How about the speed? If Safari is faster than Firefox I did not notice it. If there was a difference it was negligible, not unless a fraction of a second could really matter to you. Yes it loads fast, but faster than Firefox I could not really tell. Faster than IE probably.
I saw that most of the features you can find in Firefox and IE are also available in Safari like tabbed browsing, bookmark, pop up ad blocker, as-you-type-text search, and spell-checking in text entry field. I have yet to see more features as I continue to use this browser. I am typing this review using Safari. In the next few days I would be able to post a deeper review about this browser. As of now I could say that I could use this browser.
There is only one thing that I do not like about Safari : the texts do not look as crisp as the way they do in Firefox and IE. This is the first thing I've notice when I launched the browser the very first time.
More on this in the coming days.
It is really one of the hottest browsers. And Flock too.