How Do You Use Google Webmaster Tools
How do you use Google Webmaster tools? If you think you have something to say about that, then Google would like you to share it to the world and have your chance to be recognized by many webmasters around the globe who want to learn more about making the most out of Google Webmaster tools.
Google's Webmaster Central has its own YouTube channel and the company would like you to submit your own video for possible inclusion in that channel.
Here are the guidelines for those who would like to submit their own video :
- Keep the video short; 3-5 minutes is ideal. Think small: a short video is a good way to showcase your use of - for example - Top Search Queries, but not long enough to highlight your whole SEO strategy.
- Focus on a real-life example of how you used a particular feature. For example, you could show how you used link data to research your brand, or crawl errors to diagnose problems with your site structure. Do you have a great tip or recommendation?
- Upload your video before September 30.
- White hats are recommended. They show up better on screen.