Anime Chat City
Those who love anime will dig this. There is a place for them in the web where they can converge and meet with anime lovers from around the world. This place in the web is "Anime Chat City". I registered for an account at Anime Chat because I was curious about how it was inside the chat rooms in this site. The registration is straightforward; all you have to do is enter a desired login name, a desired password, and your email address. After you click on the confirmation button you will be brought to the page leading to the chat rooms. I had a nice chat with some guy from France; we talked not about anime but about each other's countries. We had a good exchange of ideas for about thirty minutes. I enjoyed chatting with him.
Chat is a good way to connect with different people from around the globe. And it is doubly good to have friends from other countries who share your passion for the things that you like. If you like anime you will surely ike to visit Anime Chat City and connect with other anime lover there.