Use Your Own Domain Name as an OpenID Provider

Now that OpenID is used by more and more services and websites for authentication, it would probably be a good idea to use your own domain name as an OpenID provider instead of selecting from the many providers like Blogger, AOL, Life would be easier with this idea. Someone has put that idea into action. PHPMyID allows you to easily use your domain name for authentication to OpenID-supporting sites like Technorati, Sourceforge, and Skitch. 

To use phpMyID (substitute "yourwebsite" with your domain name or website address):

1. Download the archive from the phpMyID website
2. Upload the files to your web server (I chose to put them in an "openid" subfolder)
3. Visit http://yourwebsite/MyID.config.php
4. Make a note of your PHP realm
5. Pick a username and password for phpMyID (remember, with OpenID you authenticate to your provider, and then OpenID sites trust your provider to permit/reject authentication)
6. Create an MD5 hash of your username, password, and PHP realm. Mac and Linux users can just use OpenSSL (echo -n 'username:realm:password' | openssl md5). Windows users will need an MD5 utility
7. Edit your MyID.config.php by entering your chosen username for "auth_username" and the MD5 result from step 6 for the value of "auth_password"
8. Reupload the MyID.config.php file to your web server
9. Visit http://yourwebsite/MyID.config.php and login with your phpMyID username and password to make sure everything is working correctly
10. Place the following HTML tags in the index document for your web site

link rel="openid.server" href="http://yourwebsite/MyID.config.php"
link rel="openid.delegate" href="http://yourwebsite/MyID.config.php"


Anonymous said…
Wow, I never thought about this one. Thanks for the info :)

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