Just for Redheads?

Online communities are everywhere in the web. Social networks have become a must for anyone who wants to take the internet seriously (and everyone is taking the internet seriously now). The internet is alive with many online communities. I am a member of five online communities and I am still on the look out for new ones, good ones, ones that would make my internet experience more worthwhile. Recently I came upon this social network that only wants redheads as members. Of course I know that I am not a redhead but something in the site hooked my curiousity. What with a line that proudly says : "God Has a Special Pocket in His/Her Slacks For Redheads". Hmmnn... do I like redheads? I think copper-topped girls are somewhat attractive. I looked around in the site and I learned that it's not only for redheads, non-redheads are also welcome to join too as long as they are the ones who "just can't seem to squelch their undying affection for the copper-topped. " Well, I hovered my mouse on the "Join Now!" button, very tempted to click it while eyeing one of the images of the members (very attractive female member named RockinRonda). Did I click the "join now" button or not? It's for you to guess, be a member of the community and see if you find me there.


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