Deep Zoom Technology
PinoyWebSurfer left a message in my chat widget about a website that uses deep zoom technology. Deep Zoom allows you to zoom almost arbitrarily large images in Silverlight in a performant manner. With this technology, images can be displayed at very small and very large scale without affecting quality. The performance of the program that displays the image is also not affected with the zooming. I think this is good for online stores, galleries, and other special kinds of websites.
I could not put the link of the website that PinoyWebSurfer has told me about because it is an adult site :P But for those who would like to see what Deep Zoom is all about, I searched for another site, a non-adult one that uses the Deep Zoom technology. Here it is, See the red pair of shoes in the screen shot below? When you are on the hard rock cafe site, click on that pair of shoes and just use your mouse's wheel to zoom in or out. Zoom in as much as you like with the image of the shoes, I swear you can really see the grain of the shoe's leather.
firefox gamit ko saken.
Okay na sya sa Crome, gumana na yung Silverlight