Driver Problems?
Most computer users do not know about device drivers because they do not really see these in action; device drivers or software drivers work in the background. The drivers in your computer are as important as the hardware and the many important software you know about. A driver communicates with the device through the computer bus or communications subsystem to which the hardware is connected. In layman's term, a driver is the bridge that connects the hardware and the software. But because drivers work in the background, most computer user do not know about them. The only get to know about drivers when problems arise like a new printer refusing to be "seen" by the computer, or a digital camera whose existence is ignored by the PC.
If you have just upgraded your system and see that many of the external devices connected to your PC fail to work, your problem could be with your drivers. There is a website that you can run to in times like this, This website has over 3000 companies and 300,000 drivers listings. That's a lot in a list and I guess they have almost all the drivers imaginable that could solve your driver woes. To check if your drivers are up to date and that there are no driver problems in your system, you can make use of their free online scan.