Help Desk Software Solutions

When starting an online business, there are many things that must be considered. First there is this concern about the web hosting; choosing the best web hosting is one of the many keys to the success of an online business. Another thing to consider is the website platform to use-- would it be dynamic or static? These things and many more must be taken cared of to ensure that the business will prosper. There is also one very important thing that is often taken for granted by some-- the help desk software to use. The help desk is as important as the hosting and the website platform you use because it is your link to the customer. If you think like a customer, you will know how frustrating it is to find it difficult to connect with the people who run an online business and get assistance from them. If your help desk performs properly and delivers what is expected of it, people will come back to your site because they can trust it. A good help desk builds trust in the customers. When the customers trust your site, they will recommend it to others.

But how will you choose the best help desk software for your site? There are websites that index different help desk software and give good information about them. One of such website is, a website that has many help desk related articles and resources. They provide valuable information about different help desk software. With their help desk software review, you will learn a lot about different help desk software and would be able to choose the best help desk solution for your online business. It is here in that found HESK, a very good help desk software that is based on PHP. I am now planning to use it in one of the online businesses that I am working on.

It really pays to do some research first before diving into something that entails a lot of money. One of the many reason why some online businesses fail is because they forget to see that the connection to the customer is as important as the website itself.


Jan said…
I learn a lot from your post. I think each online marketers should do those things. Thanks!
Unknown said…
Excellent post about the importance of a good help desk solution!

Without getting too commercial, we created ( due to our experiences looking for a help desk/customer service application while running another company. is both a help desk application as well as a bug tracker, so it works especially well for software companies who want to integrate their customer service group with their development team.

However, also works very well as a standard help desk solution.

TeamSupport is completely free for the first three users - This is great for smaller companies, but also is a great tool for larger teams to be able to evaluate the software without risk.

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