New Stats Reveal that Searchers are Now Making Longer Search Queries
The way people do searches now is quite different from how they do it in the past years. The search queries that searchers make now are longer, this was mentioned in SMX West session recently which was entitled 'Latest Stats About The Search Engines'. According to Bill Tancer from Hitwise, the average query length to the search engines has been rising. Queries of 5 words or more have increased at a year over year rate of 10%, while single word queries dropped 3%. Because of this, "search engine success" (the statistic that measures how successful search engines are at delivering relevant results for the user query) has dropped. What is the implication of this? Users are expecting more out of the search engines, they expect the search engine to do more than just the indexing of data, they expect that search engines process the data on the internet. It seems that people think that the more words they put in a query, the better is the chance of getting what they are looking for. well, this development will surely have a big effect on search engine optimization.