Windows XP is Staying Alive

The seven-year-old operating system, Windows XP, has again been given a new lease on life. Early this year Microsoft stopped selling the software (in an attempt to boost the sales of Vista) but allowed customers purchasing new computers running certain versions of Windows Vista request a free downgrade to Windows XP. This was set to expire on January 31, 2009. But now, Microsoft has moved the date to July 31, 2009, this means that Windows XP will stay alive up to that time, almost around the time when Window 7 will be released. (there are rumors that Windows 7 will be released next year). This would allow many users to do an upgrade from XP to Windows 7, skipping Vista in the process. Poor Vista, nipped in the bud, killed in its infancy.


Gem said…
Oo, I understand. Marami ang kontento sa XP.

Upgrades are often quite expensive for companies to do. Probably network administrators like to keep things compatible with Windows XP.
Pastilan said…
Yes, talagang mabigat yung upgrades lalo na sa mga kompayang merong hundreds of PCs.

I am curious about Windows 7.

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