Create Your Own Image Mosaic

"If an image is worth a thousand words, an image mosaic is worth a million". That's what you'll read on the page that generates your image mosaic at And indeed it is so true, it's worth a million fun and it is free. I tried creating an image mosaic from one of the many picture in my hard disk and I got hooked, I created several of them. The  slick online generator that automatically created the mosaics from my uploaded images really worked fast. Processing only took a few moments and my completed images were there already, ready for downloading. 

Image mosaic is made of hundreds of scaled-down images to form an image that if viewed from a distance (For full effect stand about 5 meters away from your computer and look at the resulting image) would look like a normal image with somewhat extraordinary grain of some kind. If you look at it closely, you'll realize that it is actually made of many images.

All images used in the construction of images mosaics are fetched from Flickr and copyright of their respective owners.


nice share, try ko nga hehehe

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