When You Want The Best Web Hosting Solution For Your Site

When you begin to take your online presence seriously you also think about being serious with your web host. Before I started experimenting with a self-hosted WordPress blog, I made sure that my web host is reliable. But it is not that easy to find out who is the best webhosting company. I took time to make a research in the web and I came upon Web Hosting Geeks, a website that provides independent reviews of the best web hosting providers. Through them I learned about the different cheap professional web hosting services under $10 a month. This is very important when you are just trying the waters of self-hosting a blog or a site. Their method of ranking webhosting providers is based on price-value ratio, host reliability, uptime, key features, bonus features, customer support, past and current user feedbacks, user-friendliness and hosting awards. I also learned a lot from their blog, which tackles issues like how to choose a domain name to SEM basics and beyond. It really pays to read up before diving into anything that is serious, like maintaining a website of your own.


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