Hotmail Does Not Work with Chrome

I would like to know if it is only me or are there those who are also experiencing this. I am using Hotmail and I have noticed in the past two weeks or so that some of the functionalities of Hotmail do not work with Chrome browser. I could not send any mail from Hotmail if I use Chrome. But when I use Firefox there is no problem. Now, just this morning a bigger problem is beginning to show itself; I could not open the mails in my Hotmail Inbox. With Firefox everything's normal with Hotmail but with Chrome Hotmail is useless. What is this? Am I the only one experiencing this or is there a tweak in Hotmail so that it will go back to being usable with Chrome. I haven't tried it with Internet explorer because I do not even use IE. 


Anonymous said…
I think it works in the final version of Chrome. Chrome is out of beta u know.
Pastilan said…
I am using the latest version of Chrome but still Hotmail is rendered useless.
Gem said…
Noticed this one today. I could not delete emails. I have not tried sending mails though.

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