Earn Your Degree Online
In today's very competitive world a college diploma is not enough. If you want to get ahead and continue to work your way to the top you must have a Master's degree (and if you still have the strenght to go on, a Ph.D!). But it is not that easy to juggle your job, your schooling, and your blogging; 24 hours in a day is too short a time to do everything there is to do in this fast-paced world. A guy I know in the office wants to add another Master's degree to his name but his work is eating away his time and he knows that he'll find it difficult to put in some time every week for his schooling, he'll surely find it difficult to do the commuting and interrupting his busy schedule with classes and campus visits. I told him to try distant schooling instead. A few search with Google led us to Ashworth College, a school that is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC). What is good about it is that Ashworth College offers online schooling and they have master's degree curriculum, they have a good faculty, excellent administrative procedures, and their policies are frequently reviewed to ensure that they continue to meet the DETC's exacting standards of excellence.
Distant learning is always practical, it saves a lot of time. The guy I know in the office is now eager to get on with his schooling because he found a good chance at it despite his busy schedule with Ashworth College Online.