Vista Tip : How To Add "Take Ownership" Context Menu

Some people are annoyed by some of Windows Vista's characteristics. Though these things are there to help protect the user's security many users want them out. One annoying thing about Vista is the fact that many of its folders are protected from changes; you cannot just delete a file or add a file to some folders and most of the time you do not know how to get around with with. Do you know that it is possible to add a "Take Ownership" context mune so that all you need to do is just right-click on a folder you want to "own" and select "Takeownership" from the context menu? This can be achieved with a registry tweak (which is quite tricky if you are not very familiar with tweaking the Registry). But if there ready made .reg file that you can download for free from The zip file contains two .reg files, the first one is the Install TakeOwnership.reg and the second one is RemoveTakeOwnership.reg. You can download the file from here, it will take one second to download. Open the zip file and extract the contents to a folder of your choice. Double click on the InstallTakeOwnership.reg. To remove the ownership of a folder, just double click the second file RemoveTakeOwnership.reg.